A custom domain is a branded unique name that identifies a blog or website. For example, Blogger Book’s custom domain is blakbin.com. Custom domain is also known as vanity URL, appear in the address bar of every browser. We use them every day to navigate around the web; you probably have many of your favorites webs memorized or bookmarked. When we sign up for BlogSpot, we get a domain like yourblogname.blogspot.com

This is some benefits of using custom domain:
  • We can publicize our domain name with ease rather than having to type a long name.
  • Root level domains are a lot more trustworthy in the heart of users.
  • Increase chances of getting approval for AdSense account.
  • If we have many blogs, we can make subdomain for it.
How to get Custom domain?

To get Root Level custom domain, we it cost some real money. Now, we can get domain from google itself at Google Domain

Some website sell domain name cheaper than the other, but if you look closely, we only get discount for 1 year subscription only, in the next year when we renew our registered domain name we charge with original fee and that fee is very close if we compare to another website that offer domain name.

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