Showing posts with the label Blogger Trick

Blogger has a variety of URL representations, for example for Archives and Posts. A post will get a URL format like .../year/month/post.html , if we omit /post.html , then it will be .../year/month an Archive page. Each page can generally be accessed by a bot then processed by it, such as for example a Google bot can index the page and then displ… Show Full Article»

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS, in short, is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. At least, we as bloggers need to have a bit of knowledge about CSS and HTML. Now we will briefly describe changing the appearance of our blog design, whether it changes the position of a bl… Show Full Article»

404 page is kind of page type that will be shown where visitor landing on the wrong page URL. On some scenario, it will happen if we have deleted a post and visitor still got the link from somewhere. by default, when we're not activating or create error 404 page, a status text message will show as below Sorry, the page you are looking fo… Show Full Article»

JSON-LD or JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data, is a lightweight Linked Data format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is based on the already successful JSON format and provides a way to help JSON data inter-operate at Web-scale. In terms of SEO, JSON-LD is implemented by leveraging the vocabulary, which is a collabo… Show Full Article»

To fix mixed content problems if we already have so much many of posts in our blog it's really troublesome, because we have to look for any posts that contain mixed content problems and fix them one by one. Mixed content generally occurs when we insert an address with an http prefix like in an IFRAME, IMG or Script tag or also in the CSS l… Show Full Article»

Blogger Cookies notification bar is popup that will show up if our blog being accessed inside Europe Country Region. This bar come up as follow up GDPR which stand for General Data Protection Regulation and and is data protection law in the EU, which comes into force from May 2018. The aim of the GDPR is to give citizens of the EU control over… Show Full Article»

HTTPS is key to web security; it protects the integrity and confidentiality of information sent between websites and visitors' browsers. If you wish visitors to access your blog over HTTPS, you can activate HTTPS and HTTPS redirect. There are three main benefits to using hypertext transfer protocolS rather than HTTP to access your blog: I… Show Full Article»

A homepage or a landing page, or a page loaded when reader visit your main url of the blog, can help your blog to get more visitor. The idea is making your blog load faster, get more subscriber, introduce your blog headline or making your blog look more professional. If you visit at someone Blogspot blog, usually it have some numbered post in it… Show Full Article»
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