Blogger URL Constructor is the Operator to construct or manipulate the URL of Blogger. Replace the path of URL, append parameter, etc. The operator are path, params, appendParams and fragment.

Blogger URL Constructor Operator Syntax

Operator Meaning Default syntax
path Make new URL path URL path STRING
appendParams Add parameter to the URL URL params OBJECT
params Add or replace parameters in the URL URL appendParams OBJECT
fragment Add / Replace a fragment URL fragment STRING

Blogger URL Constructor Operator [path]

path will create new url by combining URL and string character.
<a expr:href='data:blog.url path "/search/label/foo"'>
    <span>Label Foo</span>
The result of url is

Blogger URL Constructor Operator [appendParams]

appendParams operator allows you to add additional parameters to an url.
<a expr:href='data:blog.searchUrl appendParams { label: "Foo" }'>
    <span>Label Foo</span>
The result of url is

Blogger URL Constructor Operator [params]

params works like the operator appendParams, but with the difference that it does replaces all the existing parameters in the url if any.
<a expr:href='data:blog.searchUrl params { m: "1" }'>
    <span>Label Foo</span>
The result of url is In this object, if we use appendParams operator, the result maybe ?m=0&m=1.

Blogger URL Constructor Operator [fragment]

The operator fragment can add or replace a fragment (#). A fragment is an internal page reference, sometimes called anchor. It usually appears at the end of a URL and begins with a hash (#) character followed by an identifier. It refers to a section within a web page. For example an Link with #foo in the end of a URL will go or scroll our view to section or element such as <div>, etc with id='foo'.
<a expr:href='fragment "top"'>
    <span>Go to Top</span>
The URI create #top which is going scroll to top

Example Combined Operator
<a expr:href='data:blog.url path "/search/label/Foo" params { m: "1", max-results: "16" }'>
  <span>Label Foo</span>

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