<b:skin> is responsible for CSS used for the current blog look, while the <b:template-skin> is responsible for the display template in the Layout Editor.
The Syntax
b: skin
<b:skin> <![CDATA[ ]]> </b:skin>
b: template-skin
<b:template-skin> <![CDATA[ ]]> </b:template-skin>
- CDATA must be nested in the tags.
- The tag <b:skin> is required in all themes.
- Tags <b:skin> and <b:template-skin> are separated tags and can not be nested. They must be positioned in the header of the XML file between <head> and </head>.
- <b:template-skin> can't be used in b:layoutsVersion 1.
Official themes distributed by Blogger has own Group of variable, this determine variable to be used in Layout > Theme Designer.
Other Tag
- <b:attr>
- <b:case>
- <b:class>
- <b:comment>
- <b:default>
- <b:defaultmarkup>
- <b:defaultmarkups>
- <b:eval>
- <b:else>
- <b:elseif>
- <b:if>
- <b:include>
- <b:includable>
- <b:loop>
- <b:message>
- <b:param>
- <b:section>
- <b:skin>
- <b:switch>
- <b:tag>
- <b:template-script>
- <b:template-skin>
- <b:widget>
- <b:widget-setting>
- <b:widget-settings>
- <b:with>
- <![CDATA[]]>
- <data:.../>