If you encounter a tag <b:template-script> in the XML code of your official theme, do not touch it! unless you know what are you doing with the file, such as modify script and host to another hosting service or adding inline within XML code to customize the script.
<b:template-script> Example
Blogger XML Language
<b:template-script inline='true' name='threaded_comments'/> <b:template-script async='true' name='indie' version='1.0.0'/>
Other Tag
- <b:attr>
- <b:case>
- <b:class>
- <b:comment>
- <b:default>
- <b:defaultmarkup>
- <b:defaultmarkups>
- <b:eval>
- <b:else>
- <b:elseif>
- <b:if>
- <b:include>
- <b:includable>
- <b:loop>
- <b:message>
- <b:param>
- <b:section>
- <b:skin>
- <b:switch>
- <b:tag>
- <b:template-script>
- <b:template-skin>
- <b:widget>
- <b:widget-setting>
- <b:widget-settings>
- <b:with>
- <![CDATA[]]>
- <data:.../>